A helpful tool for my followers

I like to have fun here, but from time to time, I will throw in an obscure reference that doesn’t really translate well for a general audience. It’s more likely to resonate with a handful of people. And that’s…ok. I make no apologies for where my mind may choose to go in the course of writing, but I do not wish to alienate folks who come here for a laugh, and not for a comparison of Beethoven’s third composition period and Star Trek: The Next Generation season five.

For those who need it, I have devised a universal footnote of sorts to help navigate references that are not immediately understandable upon first or second reading. I’ve installed this tool on the blog, and you can access it here.

You’re welcome. Happy reading.


  1. Thanks for the helpful tool, Tom. I usually get most of the references but the new tool you linked to is amazing. A lot like Clearasil for one of my high school buddies back in the ’90s, it totally cleared everything up.

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